5 Things to Avoid Before Applying for a Home Loan

Daniel Berti

Daniel Berti, Director Berti Financial

5 Things to Avoid Before Applying for a Home Loan
08 Aug 2024

5 Things to Avoid Before Applying for a Home Loan

Embarking on the journey to homeownership is an exciting venture, but it requires careful planning and preparation. As you gear up to apply for a home loan, it's essential to steer clear of common pitfalls that could hinder your chances of approval or result in less favourable terms. Here are five key things to avoid, and remember, I'm here to offer expert guidance every step of the way.

1. Making Major Purchases

Picture this: you've found your dream home and are eager to make it yours. However, before you start envisioning new furniture or that shiny car in the driveway, pause for a moment. Making significant purchases just before applying for a home loan can impact your debt-to-income ratio, potentially affecting your eligibility or the amount you can borrow. Let's discuss strategies to keep your finances on track without jeopardizing your home loan prospects.

2. Changing Jobs or Careers

Stability is a cornerstone of the mortgage application process. Lenders prefer to see consistent employment history as it demonstrates your ability to repay the loan. That's why it's advisable to avoid changing jobs or careers shortly before applying for a mortgage. If you're considering a career move, let's explore the timing and potential implications for your home loan application together.

3. Missing Loan or Credit Card Payments

Your credit score plays a pivotal role in determining your eligibility for a home loan and the interest rate you qualify for. Missing payments on existing loans or credit cards can lower your credit score and raise concerns for lenders. It's crucial to make all payments on time and avoid any defaults or delinquencies. Let's review your credit profile and develop a plan to maintain or improve your score before applying for a home loan.

4. Opening New Lines of Credit

In the months leading up to your mortgage application, it's best to refrain from opening new credit accounts. Doing so can temporarily lower your credit score and increase your overall debt burden, potentially affecting your borrowing capacity. Let's discuss any existing credit obligations and determine the most appropriate course of action to optimise your credit profile for the mortgage application process.

5. Draining Your Savings

While saving for a deposit is essential, it's equally important to maintain a healthy savings buffer and emergency fund. Completely depleting your savings before applying for a home loan can raise concerns for lenders and impact your financial stability. Let's explore strategies to strike the right balance between saving for your home purchase and maintaining a prudent savings reserve.

As you prepare to embark on your homeownership journey, remember that expert guidance is just a conversation away. I'm here to provide personalized advice, address your concerns, and help you navigate the complexities of the mortgage process with confidence. Let's connect and discuss how we can make your dream of homeownership a reality, together.