Get your documents and information in order before u loan.

1. Proof of identity: First things first, you'll need to confirm your identity with a government-issued photo id, such as your driver's license or passport.

2. Proof of residence: Provide documents like utility bills or a rental agreement to show where you currently live.

3. Proof of income: Your lender will want to see that you have a steady income. Gather recent pay stubs, tax returns, or bank statements as proof.

4. Employment history: Detail your employment history, including your current job and any past positions. Having a stable employment record can enhance your loan application.

5. Bank statements: Having your bank statements for the last few months will give your lender insight into your financial habits.

6. Credit report: Check your credit report to ensure it's accurate. Good credit can lead to better loan terms.

7. List of debts: Outline any outstanding debts, such as credit cards, personal loans, or other financial obligations.

8. Savings and assets: Show the lender your savings, investments, or any other assets that demonstrate your financial stability.

9. Loan purpose: Be clear about why you need the loan. Whether it's for education, debt consolidation, or a special purchase, knowing your loan's purpose is essential.

10. Budget and repayment plan: Have a clear budget in mind and a plan for repaying the loan. Lenders will want to know how you intend to manage your finances.

11. Details of guarantor or co-signer (if applicable): If you're applying for a loan with a guarantor or co-signer, have their financial information and consent ready.

12. Information about security or collateral (if applicable): Some loans may require collateral, such as a vehicle or savings account. Have all relevant documents on hand.

13. Preparedness for questions: Remember, the loan application process is like a conversation. Be ready to answer questions from your lender and provide any additional information if requested.